Raising equity capital means involving investors directly in the life of the company-there are many different ways to do this and to manage the company’s membership, as explained by Eyevestor, a sharefunding platform.
Sharefunding is a term coined and registered by Eyevestor to describe various solutions for engaging investors within the company they may choose to fund. The goal is to enable various modes of participation, on the one hand to make it easier for companies to raise capital throughout their lifecycle, and on the other hand to truly engage people in companies and create solid and profitable connections based on shared interests.
The development of different investment solutions serves to create attractive opportunities for different types of stakeholders, from customer to supplier to employee. Eyevestor, in particular, has identified 11+1 types of deals: from normal equity crowdfunding investment, to differentiating types of shares and related rights, to entering into safe agreements, to work-for-equity opportunities, to buying and selling shares on the secondary market, and more.
The fundamental concept is that there are different strategies to enlarge one’s membership by raising capital and at the same time creating a network of loyal contacts, without for that matter “losing control” of the company, thanks to the different rights granted to each type of shareholder and the ways of communicating and negotiating with them.
In this case, the platform also becomes the place where company and investors can stay in touch: it is always essential to maintain contact with one’s equity investors and turn them into one’s community of reference, able to act as a megaphone for marketing operations and new crowdfunding campaigns.
0:00 Introduction
2:40 What is Eyevestor
7:40 Echo and Direct Eco: the basics of equity crowdfunding
8:50 Direct Eco Transfer
9:30 Message boards for the secondary market
12:30 Investment Commitment
12:54 Future equity reward (safe agreement)
13:30 The importance of liquidity of securities
15:00 Different investment conditions for different stakeholders
20:10 Transfer: gathering investors off the platform and registering their investment
20:30 Buyback: the company’s ability to buy back shares
20:56 Direct sale: secondary market trading and platform registration
30:00 Investor engagement and marketing
35:00 The management of expressions of interest
37:50 Investing abroad with the new European regulations
Claudio Grimoldi, Turbo Crowd Founder
Gijs Dalen Meurs, Eyevestor Founder