The client, or potential client, as a crowdfunding investor
The hottest topic for entrepreneurs entering online capital raising is the sketch of the crowdfunding investor.
Crowdfunding is an excellent tool for companies and startups that need funds to grow their business but do not want to (and/or cannot) resort to traditional funding methods, which are notoriously slow, complex, and inaccessible.
To start a successful crowdfunding campaign, however, one cannot resort to improvisation, but must develop a detailed strategy.
Doing crowdfunding the right way - and making sure you reach your fundraising goals - means leaving nothing to chance, but planning every step in detail.
In this section you will find useful tips and tricks for growing your crowdfunding campaign and making sure you exceed your minimum target.
The hottest topic for entrepreneurs entering online capital raising is the sketch of the crowdfunding investor.
Crowdfunding is an ideal tool not only for the start-up phase of an entrepreneurial project, but also for its subsequent development.
The press release is an effective tool for promoting one's crowdfunding campaign, which is based on the so-called principle of social proof.
Affiliate marketing is a strategy for promoting a crowdfunding campaign beyond the company's circle of contacts.
Rewards are an essential tool for making investor research effective and efficient in all types of crowdfunding campaigns.
Doing an equity crowdfunding campaign means talking about themselves, that is, about the company, the project behind it, and the values that drive it. Crowdfunding, in fact, is first and foremost a marketing operation. Among the strategies one can adopt is what is known as "referral marketing", which is nothing more than a sophistication of the famous word-of-mouth mechanism.
In order to raise capital, it is essential to have well-defined marketing and sales processes in place in the company, which once implemented will be instrumental in improving the efficiency of sales strategies forever.
Knowing this way of raising capital thoroughly and learning in advance what mistakes not to make is the strategy of the conscious entrepreneur to minimize risks, which exist as in any other business activity.
One of the many problems facing businesses that need to raise capital is time. While defining how long it takes to raise capital in crowdfunding is not as easy as it sounds, what is certain is that traditional sources of credit, such as banks, have very long response times. As well as the fact that they often pose insurmountable barriers to entry.
There are many strategies to make a crowdfunding campaign successful, but one is more important than the others: we are talking about precrowd.
Turbo Crowd is the first crowdfunding marketing consulting company and is a trademark owned by Italia Digitale SRL.
Headquarters: Via Monte Nero 82 – 20135 Milan, Italy
VAT number: IT11914080962