finding funding for startups
Doing Business

How to find funding for a startup with subsidized finance

One of the main concerns of aspiring entrepreneurs grappling with launching a startup is capital. Finding funds becomes a real obsession, to the point that it risks making people forget other equally important aspects, such as validating the product or service you intend to propose. It is wise to always remember that it is useless to have mountains of capital at your disposal if there is no one willing to buy what you want to sell them.

how to patent a'business idea
Doing Business

How to patent a business idea

Knowing how to patent a business idea can be useful not only and not so much to outsmart your opponents, but more so to have an extra gear in the search for funding and to obtain facilities and qualifications for your business.

capital raising strategies
Doing Business

Capital raising strategies: the 8 pillars

Raising capital for a startup or company at any stage of development should not just be a tedious necessity to survive and grow, but part of a structured marketing and sales strategy.