AI and crowdfunding: opportunities and challenges
The combination of AI and crowdfunding is an opportunity to revolutionize the way we raise capital and make it more efficient.
Crowdfunding is not just equity, lending, reward and donation. In recent years, new tools for crowdfunding-that is, for raising capital by engaging the web crowd -are becoming more widespread, involving the use of digital assets such as coins and tokens.
In this section of our blog, you will find a series of articles devoted to the new frontiers of crowdfunding, which will enable you not only to learn about and explore new ways of raising capital, but also to understand how to take advantage of them to grow your project.
The combination of AI and crowdfunding is an opportunity to revolutionize the way we raise capital and make it more efficient.
During the recent 13th edition of CrowdCon, held in Brussels in September 2024, industry leaders and representatives of key associations shared their visions and discussed future challenges for European and global crowdfunding.
The least efficient way to do crowdfunding capital raising is to consider it an extraordinary, tedious but necessary operation. The most efficient one is to make capital raising a business asset.
The integration of S.A.F.E and equity crowdfunding generates an efficient strategy for the growth of a startup.
The stock exchange listing is an important step for a company, but it does not have to be the prerogative of large corporations: with crowdfunding listing it becomes within the reach of startups and SMEs as well and opens new avenues of access to the capital market.
The S.A.F.E agreement and equity crowdfunding are both capital-raising instruments that lead towards enlarging the shareholder base of a company, but through very different routes. It is because of these differences that they can be two complementary instruments, rather than mutually exclusive, and enrich a company's capital-raising opportunities.
While we all now know at least broadly what cryptocurrencies are, the same cannot be said of tokens, yet it is in the concept of tokenization that the opportunities of the future for raising capital lie.
Over the past year, everyone online and offline has been talking about Chat GPT, an artificial intelligence tool that is meant to herald a major digital revolution and can also be very useful for a crowdfunding campaign.
In addition to the "classic" types of crowdfunding, new ways of raising capital involving the exchange of coins and tokens, or virtual assets, have been gaining ground in recent years.
Turbo Crowd is the first crowdfunding marketing consulting company and is a trademark owned by Italia Digitale SRL.
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