Blog Crowdfunding

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lending crowdfunding
ABC of Crowdfunding

Lending crowdfunding: what it is and how it works

Lending crowdfunding is a form of lending between individuals, in fact it is also called peer-to-peer lending or social lending. It allows you to disintermediate credit and apply for a loan online from a multitude of individuals, rather than going to a bank.

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quanto dura una campagna di crowdfunding
How to do Crowdfunding

How long does a crowdfunding campaign last?

Those who want to launch a crowdfunding campaign and need to organize their time horizon need to know all the variables that determine the duration of a campaign and to know that the commitment required by crowdfunding begins long before and ends long after the campaign itself.

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falsi miti crowdfunding
ABC of Crowdfunding

False myths about crowdfunding

False myths about crowdfunding sprang up like mushrooms in the early years of the phenomenon's development and are struggling to die. It is time to dispel them.

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