pre-money value and post-money value
Doing Business

Difference between pre-money value and post-money value

One of the concepts that aspiring startuppers have to deal with when seeking capital for their business is that of pre-money valuation.To get a complete picture of the topic, one must understand the difference between pre-money and post-money value of a company.

Work fof equity and crowdfunding
How to do Crowdfunding

How to successfully match work for equity and crowdfunding

Work for equity is a practice that allows companies to remunerate their employees and contractors by offering them company shares instead of money. It is also a great complementary tool to a SAFE or equity crowdfunding campaign, if used in the right way.

crowdfunding banking reputation
Doing Business

Crowdfunding to improve your credit rating

It can be difficult for a startup or SME in Italy to gain access to bank credit because the parameters required to have a good credit rating are often unattainable and the conditions to be met following any financing are onerous for these types of companies.

account based marketing
Doing Business

Account based marketing for capital raising

Account Based Marketing is a B2B marketing and sales strategy that is an alternative to the classic purchase of online and offline advertising space, allowing you to bypass high advertising costs and reach a carefully selected target audience based on your needs.